Thursday, January 3, 2008

We are the Champions and It Speaks Volumes: What Obama’s Victory Means to America

Barack Obama has just made, what I would say is, the most important speech of his life—his Iowa Caucus victory speech. And HE KILLED IT!!!


This speech was inspirational and moving, similar to the one he made at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. He laid out why you should elect him the next president. He didn't speak against anyone or anything. He didn't try to convenience you that Democratic was the way to go.


According to Obama, he should be elected President of the United States of America because he stands for what is best for ALL Americans—Democrats, Republicans, and Independents…upper, middle, and lower class. Obama is not running on a campaign of fear. He is running a campaign of unification.


Barack's victory in Iowa is monumental on numerous front:


  1. A black (technically bi-racial) man won a majority of votes in a state with an African-American population of 2.3%. This has to have all those black people in South Carolina who said white people wouldn't vote for a black man second guessing themselves.


  2. During a time when the average American approaches anything Islamic with much caution, a Christian man named Barack Hussein Obama won a majority of the vote in the heart of America.


  3. Obama started his campaign refusing to take money for special interest group, lobbyist, and all those other groups who are presently running and buying Washington. Obama has been able to compete national with money from average old Americans like me—a single, self-employed mom whose give 3 times to his campaign. (I even gave to Obama before I gave to Spelman, my alma mater, but don't tell Spelman that, LOL). If you really want to see this man win, write a check today PLEASE!!!!


  4. Character, principle and authenticity matter to the American people. We want a leader we can trust.


  5. People are inspired. People have hope. This is our time—the average American's time—to take back our government. A government that was created by the people for the people, but somehow lost that purpose. This is our opportunity. Let's grab hold of it.


I am super excited about this win--not surprised because I knew it was coming. Let's ride this wave all the way to the White House!!! Let's right checks, rally troops, make phone calls, send emails, post on myspace, facebook and youtube, and pray. Pray for wisdom for Obama's campaign staff. Let's pray for favor on Obama's entire campaign. And let's pray that God continues to anoint Obama's tongue so that he says the right thing at the right time in the right way. And who said praying Christians only voted for conservative, right-winged Republicans.


God bless and don't forget to BaRack the Vote!!!

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