Saturday, December 29, 2007

Obama's Impact

We're ready for change!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Was Clinton's Experience Faked?

Hillary Rodham Clinton has tooted her own horn about being the most experienced candidate on the Democratic ticket, but what does her experience really amount to. Below is an article that examines what her experience actually is.

As first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton jawboned the president of Uzbekistan to leave his car and shake hands with people. She argued with the Czech prime minister about democracy. She cajoled Catholic and Protestant women to talk to one another in Northern Ireland. She traveled to 79 countries in total, little of it leisure; one meeting with mutilated Rwandan refugees so unsettled her that she threw up afterward.

But during those two terms in the White House, Clinton did not hold a security clearance. She did not attend National Security Council meetings. She was not given a copy of the president's daily intelligence briefing. She did not assert herself on the crises in Somalia, Haiti or Rwanda. And during one of President Bill Clinton's major tests on terrorism, whether to bomb Afghanistan and Sudan in 1998, Clinton was barely speaking to her husband, let alone advising him, as the Lewinsky scandal dragged on.

For the rest, click here.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Clinton vs. Obama on Experience

Barack Obama has been catching a lot a flack on his "lack of experience"--especially from the Clintons. Bill was interviewed by Charlie Rose where he called Barack a "risk" due to his lack of experience. In response to the Clintons' criticism, Senator Obama quoted the former President himself from the 1992 presidential debate. I must say former President Clinton was correct in 1992, and his words still hold true in context of Senator Barack Obama today. Here's Bill in his own words today. Below is how ABC reported Obama's response.

On Bill Clinton’s Charlie Rose interview: Obama was asked to respond to Bill Clinton’s interview last night on Charlie Rose in which he attacked Obama’s experience level, asking when was the last time we elected a president with only a year of service in the Senate.

Obama turned Bill Clinton’s own words around on him: “Well look, this is an argument they have been making during the duration of this campaign, I guess. Here is a quote: ‘The same old experience isn't relevant. You can have right kind of experience or the wrong kind of experience, and mine is rooted in the real lives of real people and it will bring real results if we have the courage to change’ -- and that was Bill Clinton in 1992. And I’ve been involved in government for over a decade, so the notion that there is a particular kind of experience that he has had or his wife has had that is more relevant I would dispute.”

Friday, December 14, 2007

TI Preaching to the Parents

And the church says, AMEN!!!

Most Committed Dec. 9-14th: Obama Campaigners in Iowa

It's hard to find anyone committed to anything these. But For Real Though is searching out those individuals who are committed and dedicated to someone, something, ANYTHING!!! This weeks award goes to Obama campaigners in Iowa!!! Cold or not, they're on fire for Obama right now!!!

Iowa is on fire with for Obama, right now. It takes a lot to stand out in the freezing cold for a candidate. You have to really believe in their message. These campaigners get the coveted "Most Committed Award" for Dec 9-14th.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Boys, Let’s Man Up and Grow a Pair (of Balls that Is)

Do you want to know how ignorant people in America are? Read the comments following blogs and online news postings. Ok, so here's how the story plays out. Rapper Saigon had some sort of altercation with hip hop group Mobb Deep. Apparently, he decided it was best that he hit and run, LITERALLY!!! Janee Bolden interviewed him for her Sirrus radio show, where Saigon brags about punching "a lot of rappers in their face." Janee follows up with the snide remark, "Then you run." That set Saigon off, and he began to talk mad crap to her. He even went as far to threaten to beat her down. But that's not the worse part.

As I read the comments, I was extremely disturbed by the fact that numerous negroes seem to think it's justifiable to put their hands on a woman. The comments were crazy!!!

"Whoever thinks that a man should NEVER come at a female is obviously not from any big city, hood or anything similar. He felt disrespected, what did you want him to to. If he didnt say anything you would writing an article on how he's a pu$$y and this and that. Being a female does not give you the right to do and say as you please. GET REAL"

I guess I missed the memo, but when did it become ok to put your hands on a woman under any circumstances. I agree, some chicks can get out of pocket and push negroes to their limit, but last time I checked REAL MEN walk away, run away, or do whatever it takes to get the hell out of dodge. Any man who would lay his hands on a woman, despite the circumstances, is not a man, has no respect for himself, and needs to up his self-esteem. That's disrespect at the highest. Yes, women should not push men button or hit men, etc. But a man is nothing if he puts his hands on a woman. And one who tries to justify it is even less. Grow the hell up, negroes, and learn some respect. GROW SOME BALLS AND START ACTING LIKE REAL MEN!!!

Check out the clip here.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I'm a Civil Rights Leader!!! You Should Be One Too!!!

I may not have a perm (anymore) like Al Sharpton, and I can't come up with clever rhyming phrases like Jessie Jackson, but I do have win in my corner for the 21st Century Civil Rights Movement.

I was watching CNN: Special Investigation Judgement in Jena (excellent journalism. It was a week old though. This DVR thing is da bomb. My kid would kill me for saying that. Yes, I am now the mom who says uncool stuff while trying to be cool, but back to the subject.) when the reporter, Kyra Phillips, I believe, reported that a Neo-Nazi group had published personal information of the Jena 6 and was encouraging its members to "show them justice." I was appalled, yet my nosey (or journalistic, you pick) side got the best of me. I went to the website, and thankfully the website had been shut down. However, I was able to find the information on a blog.

I immediately emailed a nice, respectful letter to the site owner, and asked that they remove it. I even threw in some legal mumbo jumbo. One letter was cool, but I knew mass responses get people moving. I thought twice about my next step because I know how people feel about "junk mail," but I thought this was worth the risk of pissing a couple of people off. So I emailed list serves that I'm a member of and asked them to do the same. Within 6 hours the blog had been removed.

I was pretty proud of myself. At the same time, I was disappointed. I couldn't have been the first person to see this information and been disgusted by it. Why hadn't people made moves to remove it before hand? Only God knows the answer to that.

I say all of this to say getting involved really isn't that hard and it doesn't take that much time. It took me a total of 15 minutes to write my letter and email over 1,000 people. Don't let injustices happen around you. I used this as an opportunity to teach my son that you shouldn't be afraid to get involved and stand up for right. If not you, who? If not now, when? I hope all who read this gets that message and make moves on it.

While this isn't my first move and it won't be my last. I'm too crunk right about now. It's amazing to see the fruits of your labor blossom and ripe. This was a quick and easy victory, but I know most victories won't be that easy or quick. However, I am willing to stand and fight despite for the duration of the battle, and I encourage you to do the same.

On a lower note, the blog was restarted at a different address. While new hate messages have been posted, none of them can be seen as threatening at this point. But you best believe as soon as they slip up and print something that could seriously put individuals and groups in danger, I will be all on it and I will be encouraging you to do the same.

I love all you guys, and I encourage you to get involved, stand for right, correct the wrongs, and make a difference in your world today.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Open Letter to Jena, LA

Dear Jena, La.,

As a citizen of the United States of America, I have been very disappointed by the recent events that have taken place in Jena. As a 25 year old woman, I have never witnessed such deliberate, disrespectful and derogatory acts of injustice.

What I found most disgusting about the entire situation is that legal professionals elected to defend the citizens of Jena, La., are using the very laws that were designed to protect citizens in a sadistic effort to unfairly prosecute them and take away their promising futures.

I’ve read reports of Jena residents asking “outsiders” to stay out of Jena’s business, and I have news: we wish we could stay out of Jena’s business. But based upon the events that have occurred, Jena has proven that it is unable to take care of its own business without some outside encouragement.

And please understand that’s the only reason we are coming to Jena—to encourage individuals to act justly. We do not want this to appear as a rally of blacks against whites, but a rally for justice. And as soon as Jena decides to begin acting justly toward all individuals involved, we promise to step back and leave Jena to take care of its business. However, we will not fear journeying back into Jena’s territory if injustice rears its ugly head again.

As we prepare our PEACEFUL rally for justice, we invite all individuals (blacks, whites, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc.) to take a stand for justice. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” and we are refusing to let Jena’s injustices affect the justice of America.

Put yourself in the shoes of the Jena 6. What if these were your sons or daughters? If the legal system was being unreasonable harsh and unarguably unfair in prosecuting your children, wouldn’t you want someone to stand up and speak out? Well, tomorrow that’s what we plan on doing for the Jena 6.

It amazes me that Jena residents and prosecutors thought America would sit by quietly as they unfairly prosecuted these six young men. And you almost got your wish, as major media outlets ignored the issue for awhile and few, if any, outlets are fully reporting ALL of the racially motivated events that occurred before the arrest of the Jena 6 (see But America will no longer be quiet. My generation will no longer be a sleeping giant that sits quietly as the powers that be make decisions that affect our lives.

So as America converges upon your town on this historic Thursday, September 20th, please understand that we are coming out of love. First Corinthians 13:6 states, “[Love] does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.” We want right and truth to prevail, and we won’t stop watching Jena until right and truth prevail.

In Love and Peace,

Kia Smith
Atlanta, Ga.